- get one's wires crossed
- всё перепу́тать, непра́вильно поня́ть
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
get one's wires crossed — (informal) To misunderstand or be confused about something • • • Main Entry: ↑wire * * * I get one s wires (or lines) crossed become wrongly connected by telephone ■ have a misunderstanding II see cross … Useful english dictionary
get one's wires crossed — ► get one s wires (or lines) crossed have a misunderstanding. Main Entry: ↑cross … English terms dictionary
get one's wires crossed — verb To get confused or mixed up; to make a mistake. I got my wires crossed and called his home phone instead of his work phone … Wiktionary
get one's lines crossed — ► get one s wires (or lines) crossed have a misunderstanding. Main Entry: ↑cross … English terms dictionary
get one's wires (or lines) crossed — have a misunderstanding. → cross … English new terms dictionary
get your wires crossed — phrase if two people get their wires crossed, they become confused because they each think that the other one is talking about something else We got our wires crossed about what time we were supposed to meet. Thesaurus: to not understand, or to… … Useful english dictionary
get your wires crossed — if two people get their wires crossed, they become confused because they each think that the other one is talking about something else We got our wires crossed about what time we were supposed to meet … English dictionary
cross — ► NOUN 1) a mark, object, or figure formed by two short intersecting lines or pieces (+ or x). 2) an upright post with a transverse bar, as used in antiquity for crucifixion. 3) a cross shaped decoration awarded for bravery or indicating rank in… … English terms dictionary
crosser — cross ► NOUN 1) a mark, object, or figure formed by two short intersecting lines or pieces (+ or x). 2) an upright post with a transverse bar, as used in antiquity for crucifixion. 3) a cross shaped decoration awarded for bravery or indicating… … English terms dictionary
crossly — cross ► NOUN 1) a mark, object, or figure formed by two short intersecting lines or pieces (+ or x). 2) an upright post with a transverse bar, as used in antiquity for crucifixion. 3) a cross shaped decoration awarded for bravery or indicating… … English terms dictionary
crossness — cross ► NOUN 1) a mark, object, or figure formed by two short intersecting lines or pieces (+ or x). 2) an upright post with a transverse bar, as used in antiquity for crucifixion. 3) a cross shaped decoration awarded for bravery or indicating… … English terms dictionary